Empathy – Saturday, February 8th 2025

Circle – sharing a feeling from now – what is leftover from last Saturday – questions that have arisen since then – mournings and celebrations …
Coming back to the issues left over from last self-empathy workshop – Viktoria and others as well
Reminding of how to use the hand as a giraffe for oneself, practicing empathy inside.

10min – Dalia – Text on Empathy, Video of Marshall workshop – Enjoy the Pain – Silence in the Eyes
10min – John – What is giraffe empathy – Attention is key – focus on what is alive in others and self
What are obstacles to giraffe empathy? Number one obstacle – taking responsibility for feelings of others
30min – Dalia and John – Exercise – How can we learn to enjoy the pain?
Complaints and our habitual reactions vs. empathy (Lithuanian version)
John/Dalia – Give one demo of a complaint and go through possible reactions.
Then move to the a prepared list of complaints, doing them one by one in alternation in the group.
Possible to take example from participants – hard to hear complaints …

Now we go to practice empathy a bit more one by one.
Trust that people can implement what they practiced in the group before.
Ask if people feel ready to go to try out empathy in pairs.
Ask who would like to have support in the pair work from a trainer.

Exercise in pairs – Listen empathically to your partner. 2×5 min?
Try to keep your attention to feelings and needs of your partner.
Notice when you have thoughts or your own, let them go and return to the focus on feelings and needs. Use the questions “Are you feeling …?” and “Are you needing …?” Make guesses. Do not succomb to the temptation of wanting to be right in your guesses. Do not succomb to the temptation of wanting to help the other person. Be there. If you wander away internally, drop it and return your attention to what is alive in the person. What is alive is mostly what the person is feeling and what the person is needing. Not what they are thinking.

Coming back

I imagine we can do a deeper empathy work in the group at this point.
Leave some room for ending circle.