Noticing our Habitual Reactions to Complaints

Notice and write down one or more replies that come to your mind,
when you hear one of the complaints below.

A mother of a small child says this:
Imagine what you would say next.

1) My baby is not growing.

2) I have tried everything, but my baby is not sleeping.

3) Since I gave birth, my whole days have been taken up with that child.

4) My husband is jealous.

A mother of a 10-year old child says this:
Imagine what you would say next.

5) My son sits in front of the computer most of the time.

6) We agreed with my daughter that she puts her smartphone on the table in the living room at night, but every night I need to remind her of it – she never does it be herself.

7) My child refuses to listen to me, when it comes to the hygiene for the teeth.

8) My daugher spends her pocket money on useless stuff.

An older mother of an adult child says this:
Imagine what you would say next.

9) My daughter never calls me. She hates me.

An adult child says about her older mother:
Imagine what you would say next.

10) My mother loves to be my teacher. I know myself what to learn and when.

11) My mother always criticises me. She is so negative.

A Postbank office worker says to you:

12) We don’t do parcels any more, only banking now. And we do not have enough time to deal with all the banking work we get. In the evening it feels like having worked 16 hours!
Imagine what you would say next.

A Politician says to you:

13) Behind the US president stood three people at his inauguration, who together have a combined wealth of more than 300 billion US dollars.
That is more than the combined wealth of more than 170 million Americans.
Imagine what you would say next.

A child in puberty says to her mother:

14) You are from yesterday, mother. This is something you cannot understand.

15) I can decide myself what to wear, when and who I want to associate with. Do not try to boss me around.

16) People in school do not like me. Everybody seems to laugh about me.