It is possible to practice nonviolent communication in the family, communicating clearly and kindly, making agreements that children and parents can follow with real desire. In this course, we will delve into certain aspects of nonviolent communication and gain experience in applying useful practices to have more nonviolent communication in life and in the family, prioritizing relationships over results, choosing connection and understanding over coercion or imposition. We will learn how to ask our children for what we want without judging or blaming them; and how we can regret our inappropriate actions without blaming ourselves.
1. Empathy for oneself (connection with oneself);
2. Hear needs instead of accusations (connection with another person);
3. Hearing “no” as a hidden request (two needs on the table);
4. Saying “No” Empathetically (How to Say “No” While Saying “Yes”).
Theoretical introductions, demonstrations, meditations, individual and group exercises, sharing in the whole group, role-playing games.
Type: seminar
Level: for those with at least 16 hours of basic NB practice.
Certificate : issued
Language: English with Lithuanian translation
Employment Service : does not finance
Date: 2025 – 4 Saturdays of February (1, 8, 15, 22); start at 10:00, end at 17:00, with lunch (13:00 -14:00) and 2 coffee breaks.
Duration: 4 days (32 academic hours)
Price: 180 EUR; discounts available upon registration
Location: remote, zoom
Organizer: Dalia Verbylė
Contacts: e-mail: [email protected] ; tel.: +370 61 443252
Registration at: nonviolent-communication.uk