Exercise – Receiving Empathically?

To see whether we are in agreement about the verbal expression of empathy, please circle the number in front of each statement in which person B is responding empathically to what is going on within Person A.

1. Person A: How could I do something so stupid?
Person B: You think that is stupid?! Then listen to what I did!

2. Person A: If you ask me, we ought to tax rich people much more.
Person B: Do you really think that would solve anything?

3. Person A: You aren’t God!
Person B: Are you feeling frustrated and do you need some humility?

4. Person A: I think that you take me for granted. I wonder how you would manage without me.
Person B: That’s not true! I don’t take you for granted.

5. Person A: How could you say such a thing to me?
Person B: Are you feeling hurt because I said that?

6. Person A: I’m furious with my husband. He’s never around when I need him.
Person B: You think he should be around more than he is?

7. Person A: I’m disgusted with how much extra weight I put on.
Person B: Perhaps jogging would help.

8. Person A: I’ve been a nervous wreck planning for my daughter’s wedding. Her fiancé’s family is not helping. About every day they change their minds about the kind of wedding they would like.
Person B: Are you exhausted and do you need clarity and stability?

9. Person A: When my relatives come without letting me know ahead of time, I feel invaded. It reminds me of how my parents would plan things for me, without asking me what I wanted.
Person B: I know how you feel. My parents were just the same.

10. Person A: I’m disappointed with your performance. I would have liked your department to double your production last month.
Person B: I understand that you are disappointed, but we have had many absences due to illness.