Empathy in silence

Exercise: Dyad Meditation

Take turns in sharing for 5 minutes, while your partner listens in silence.

Recommendations for the listener
Empathic listening requires you to be empty of your own thoughts and sufferings, as much as you can manage to do that. Simply be there with the entirety of your being, without agenda.

When you notice thoughts arising connected to your own world, gently ask yourself: “Come back.”
Come back to being simply present.

Please keep your eyes open and let go of any habitual impulse to use your facial expression to communicate anything, such as: “I am listening.” – “I agree” etc.

Recommendations for speaker
Listen to the question and let the question sink in for a moment, before you start sharing.
If possible connect with a topic that you would like to be heard about and start sharing.
You can take time for silence in your sharing, if you want to reconnect to your heart.
Try not to get lost in too many words. This is a habit we may have.
Be aware of the precious gift of another person offering their presence to you.


  1. What is alive in you right now?
  2. How does the need for … live in you? (Select any need you would like to explore deeper)
  3. What do you celebrate today?
  4. What do you mourn about today?